David B. Berenson, M.S., LSW

You are looking for a change in your life.  You need or want something different, better.  Here’s how I can help:

Coming from 22 years of K-12 School Counseling, Social Work and Psychology experience, 5 years of College-University Counseling and Student Development and 5 years as a Biofeedback and Wellness Specialist, I have developed my specialty in Stress and Anxiety Management, including Panic and Anxiety Disorders; Parenting skills, and negotiating special needs in schools and interpreting psycho-educational testing; and counseling/teaching of aspects of Wellness, including environmental issues, weight and pain management and family issues.  I utilize my own health issues and sense of humor, along with an eclectic set of therapeutic and common-sense approaches to helping clients with both short-term and long-term issues.  I am open to in-person and telehealth counseling for individuals, as well as therapeutic and psycho-educational groups.



Ages 6 years old to 90 years old, Individuals, Families